8365 Whitesville Road

Columbus, 31904 USA


Poison Prevention

pet poison

March 15-21 is National Poison Prevention Week.  It is important to remember that pets can be affected by toxins as well as people.

Chocolate…Rodenticides…Xylitol…Antifreeze….These are the top toxins that come to mind when I think about things that we should avoid exposing our pets to.   In reality,  there are many other things that pets can be sensitive to that we may not even consider to be toxic. For a wealth of information on pet poisons you can go tohttp://www.dvm360.com/toxicology

One of the more common things we see in practice is the ingestion of human medications that can have serious implications for both dogs and cats.   Click here to see a list of the top 10 medications that we commonly take that can affect our pets.